26th August - 1st September 2024

For many of us, prayer can be a struggle; to be consistent, to be passionate and even at times to know what to pray for.
Reassuringly for us, the disciples had some of the same difficulties and one day asked Jesus “Lord teach us to pray.” (Luke 11:1)
Jesus shared with them some of the best known and recited words in history – “The Lord’s Prayer”.
Many of us will have had this drummed into our minds as children and able to rhyme it off in our sleep (or just before it!).
Maybe these words have even become so familiar to us that they no longer move or engage us.
I often wonder, was Jesus’ aim here really to give us a prayer to recite, or was it to give us a pattern to follow; a framework to ‘hang’ our prayers on?
So, this week, we are going to take our time to pray into 7 different areas that Jesus’ ‘master template’ touches. “Lord teach us to pray”!
Guest Contributor - Jason Kennedy
“Our Father, who art in heaven”
Jesus begins by setting the context of how we are to approach God in prayer; as children coming to our Father.
Today, let us focus our prayers in thankfulness and appreciation for how, through Jesus, God has adopted us as His children - co-heirs with Christ!
Some scriptures to meditate on and help guide us:
John 1:12
Romans 8:14-17
“Hallowed be thy name”
God is “Our Father” but he is also the Almighty Creator and Sustainer of the universe!
He is Holy; Awesome; Powerful; All-consuming
Today, let us acknowledge and praise Him for Who He is!
Some scriptures to meditate on and help guide us:
Psalm 8
1 Chronicles 29:11-13
“Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as in heaven”
One day, Jesus is coming back to fully restore His Kingdom here on earth - and what a day that will be!
In the meantime, we are to be ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5) for His Kingdom; representing it, building it and praying for God’s will to be done.
Today, let’s focus on praying for God’s will to prevail in our world, our nation, our communities, our families and our own lives.
Some scriptures to meditate on and help guide us:
Romans 8:18-27
1 Timothy 2:4
“Give us this day our daily bread”
While it is important that our prayer lives are not just a series of requests or a wish list for God to take care of, Jesus does show us that it is right and proper for us to approach our Father with our needs.
Today you have permission and freedom to talk to God about what is on your heart; your greatest needs and your deepest desires.
Will God answer all these the way we want Him to?
Probably not; but just like when my children ask me for things, it’s my job to say “no” or “not yet” when that is for their good; but it also brings me great joy to say “yes” when it’s also for their good!
Some scriptures to meditate on and help guide us:
Philippians 4:4-7
Matthew 7:7-11
“And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us”
Today, our prayer focus will be on both receiving and giving forgiveness - themes which are inextricably linked in much of Jesus’ teaching.
First, let us be refreshed and filled with thankfulness again of how, through Jesus, we have been forgiven of our sin. We are redeemed – standing in the righteousness of Jesus in the eyes of the Father; what a miracle!
But forgiveness is not meant to stop there; the forgiveness we receive from the Lord is designed to flow through us to those in our lives who have sinned against us.
This is not easy, and for many of us it may well be a daily struggle. It’s not to excuse what was done, to “let someone off the hook” or to diminish the significance of the pain that may have been caused – but to choose to forgive is for our good, our health, our sanctification – and ultimately it is obedience to God.
Reach out to Our Father today for His empowering grace to help. Maybe today is the day where you take the first step on the journey of forgiving. It will be painful, but it will be worth it.
Some scriptures to meditate on and help guide us:
Micah 7:18-19
Matthew 18:21-35
“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil”
In our Western culture, oftentimes we are completely detached from and ignorant of the fact that all around us, a spiritual battle is raging.
The kingdom of darkness at war with the Kingdom of Light.
It plays out at the level of our individual lives all the way up to nations and the world as a whole.
Today, let us focus on and lean in to praying for the Holy Sprit’s help to “overcome the evil one” in our own lives, in the lives of those close to us, in our church family and beyond.
Some scriptures to meditate on and help guide us:
Ephesians 6:10-18a
2 Corinthians 10:4
“For thine is the Kingdom, the power and glory, for ever and ever”
Today, as we finish our focus on the Lord’s prayer, let us just set aside some time to pour out our worship to Him.
He is Holy; He is Worthy; His is the Kingdom; His is the power; His is the glory.
Some songs to worship along with:
Hymn of Heaven – Phil Wickham
Worthy is the Lamb – Darlene Zschech